Publications related to Entanglement

September 10, 2016 12:37 pm Published by

M. Waegell, T. Denkmayr, H. Geppert, D. Ebner, T. Jenke, Y. Hasegawa, S. Sponar, J. Dressel, J. Tollaksen, Confined contextuality in neutron interferometry: Observing the quantum pigeonhole effect, Physical Review A 96, 052131 (2017) [quant-ph/1609.06046].

H. Geppert, T. Denkmayr, S. Sponar, H. Lemmel, and Y. Hasegawa, Improvement of the polarized neutron interferometer setup demonstrating violation of a Bell-like inequality, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 763, 417–423 (2014) [quant-ph/1404.3512].

S. Sponar, J. Klepp, K. Durstberger-Rennhofer, H. Geppert, M. Both, C. S. Schmitzer, H. Bartosik, G. Badurek, and Y. Hasegawa, High-efficiency manipulations of triply entangled states in neutron polarimetry, New Journal of Physics 14, 053032 (2012).

Y. Hasegawa, C. Schmitzer, H. Bartosik, J. Klepp, S. Sponar, K. Durstberger- Rennhofer, and G. Badurek, Falsification of Leggett’s model using neutron matter-waves, New Journal of Physics 14, 023039 (2012).

S. Sponar, J. Klepp, R. Loidl, S. Filipp, K. Durstberger, R. Bertlmann, G. Badurek, H. Rauch, and Y. Hasegawa, Geometric phase in entangled systems: A single- neutron interferometer experiment, Physical Review A 81, 042113 (2010).

S. Sponar, J. Klepp, K. Durstberger, R. Loidl, S. Filipp, M. Lettner, R. Bertlmann, G. Badurek, H. Rauch, and Y. Hasegawa, New aspects of geometric phases in experiments with polarized neutrons, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 43, 354015 (2010).

S. Sponar, J. Klepp, C. Zeiner, G. Badurek, and Y. Hasegawa, Violation of a Bell-like inequality for spin-energy entanglement in neutron polarimetry, Physics Letters A 374, 431-434 (2010) [quant-ph/0907.4654].

Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, G. Badurek, K. Durstberger, S. Sponar, and H. Rauch, Engineering of triply entangled states in a single-neutron system, Physical Review A 81, 032121 (2010).

H. Bartosik, J. Klepp, C. Schmitzer, S. Sponar, A. Cabello, H. Rauch, and Y. Hasegawa, Experimental test of quantum contextuality in neutron interferometry, Physical Review Letters 103, 040403 (2009) [quant-ph/0904.4576].

S. Sponar J. Klepp, R. Loidl, S. Filipp, G. Badurek, Y. Hasegawa, and H. Rauch, Coherent energy manipulation in single-neutron interferometry, Physical Review A 78, 061604(R) (2008) [quant-ph/0803.3545].

S. Sponar, J. Klepp, G. Badurek, and Y. Hasegawa, Zero-field and Larmor spinor precessions in a neutron polarimeter experiment, Physics Letters A 372, 3153-3156 (2008) [quant-ph/0802.1411].

Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, G. Badurek, M Baron and H. Rauch, Quantum Contextuality in a Single-Neutron Optical ExperimentPhysical Review Letters 97, 230401 (2006).

Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, G. Badurek, M. Baron, and H. Rauch, Violation of a Bell-like inequality in single-neutron interferometry, Nature (London) 425, 45 (2003).